5th Sunday of Lent Year B - 18/03/2018 - Gospel: Jn 12:20-33
Giving glory to God means to acknowledge God's greatness that alone deserves our praise, honour and worship. There are two ways we can give glory to God. First, by acknowledging that God alone has all the glory. There is no other god beside him. Second, we give glory to God by listening to his voice, several times the voice from on high says 

'This is my Son the Beloved, listen to Him'. Mat 3,13, Luke 3,22

Jesus himself says.

'If you love me you will keep my commandment' Jn 14,15

We humans give glory to God by accepting God's love with a thankful heart. Our actions must reflect our inner lives and be in harmony with the thankful heart. We can do that when our life is filled with God's love and grace. When God's love and grace are in us we will live a holy life. We all need God's grace to live a holy life, except Jesus who alone is the only Son of God, full of grace. Jesus Himself is God Incarnate, born to this earth to teach us the way to holiness, in Him full of God's grace and love. The voice from on high sounded aloud like thunder confirmed that Jesus who came to the world to make God's glory known to mankind and in Him God glorifies Him and continues to glorify Him.

'I have glorify it and I will glorify it again' Jn 12,28

Jesus gives glory to God in different ways.

1. by showing God's love and mercy: Jesus came to the world to reveal about the mysterious God who loves the human race by sending His only Son to the world to do the rescue mission, liberating the human race from the power of sin and dead. Equipped with God's power Jesus cured the sick, opened eyes of the blinds, the deaf can hear, the lamp can walk and the paralysed made whole Jn 5,3.

2. by the mouth of the poor, the crowds heard Jesus they praised God saying his teaching is new and with authority Lk 4,32.

3. by declaring war against evil spirit: Jesus showed God's power by fighting against evil spirit and expelling them from the possessed and they were afraid lamented

Jesus of Nazareth, Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: The Holy One of God Luke 4,34

4. by showing to the human race the extraordinary unity between Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit both in words and actions and in powers

The Father loves the Son and has entrusted everything to Him Jn 3,35

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me Mat 28,18

5. by obeying God the Father Jesus honours the authority of the Father. His entire life and ministry were orchestrated by His Father and that Jesus was to carry out the will of His Father with love.

I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but to do the will of the One who sent Me. Jn 6,38

We pray that we are united to God by following not our own will but the will of Jesus.

For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother.  Mat 12,50
