5th Sunday of Easter Year A - 14/5/2017 - Gospel: Jn 14:1-12
Fearful and extraordinary circumstances in life challenge our faith. Jesus knew that his disciples would be in big trouble when he told them about what would be happening to him and the challenge they would soon experienced. They looked at each other in consternation when they heard Jesus say that one of them would betray him- Jn 13,21. They wondered who would do such a dreadful thing for the Master. Then another chilling shock was running through their spine when Jesus told them that he would not stay with them much longer and where he was going they could not come Jn 13,33. The disciples felt as if their hope in Jesus was shattered and their world was in jeopardy. The Master was going away, one of them would betray him and the group had no leader, all were too much for them to digest.

The disciples would have many unanswered questions wondering in their minds about what would happen to the group and what tomorrow would be like. The love and trust they used to have for Jesus had been questioned and the relationships amongst the disciples would be disarrayed because someone had a secret agenda? Would the betrayal have made Jesus depart from them and when he return would he take the whole group together or just some? Peter used to be the first to ask the question when they misunderstood his teaching but this time Peter was quiet and it was Philip who raised his voice asking to see the Father. Jesus told Phillip that to see him is to see the Father and that would create even more confusion Jn 14,7. Jesus made clear that they were so ignorance about his teaching and time was running out. They all kept quiet simply because they didn't know where to start and what to ask.
Jesus assured them that despite of their betrayal and faults, God would never distrust them. God trusted them more than they thought. Don't let hurt and pain take control of your lives. Trusting God in time of troubles would draw us closer to God for strength and consolation. When our love and trust are deep rooted in Jesus hurt and pain would draw us closer to God than to move us away from God.

'Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God still and trust in me Jn 14,1.

Lack of trust creates fear and confusion and division. To restore trust and erase the troubles deeply in their hearts the disciples must place their trust in Jesus. By placing our trust in God our life is secured. Sometimes personal gains overcome friendship and trust and it hurts. God is always faithful to his words, no matter how messy our lives can be, God always welcomes us back when ask for mercy and forgiveness.  Trust requires knowing a person whom we trust. To know Jesus is to know the Father. To trust Jesus means to trust the Father Jn 12,44. Trust God and our heart would be free from troubles. Trust and love gives birth for faith. Having faith in Jesus by trusting him and love him. To learn more about God's love and mercy the starting point is with Jesus' human face, his life experience, his Passions and the cross and his teaching about God.
