17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A - 30/7/2023 - Gospel: Mt 13: 44-46
Making Choices
On several occasions, Jesus talks about the end time. This reiteration implies that eternal life is of utmost importance for those who follow Jesus; and that they should seriously take heed. Using different images to talk about the kingdom, Jesus helps the crowds to visualize the growth of God's kingdom. Jesus began all three short parables, the hidden treasure, the pearls and the dragnet, with the same phrase:

'The kingdom of heaven is like.....'

The treasure is hidden in a field. The great pearls are covered, and the dragnet is deep under the water. All are covered by different materials, but when found, none of them loses its value. When the seeds sow in the field. They stay under the darkness of the soil, but when the conditions are right; the seeds grow. This implies that the sower would never lose hope, but always lives in hope. The treasure is hidden in the field. It stays in the darkness of weed and clay, but when found the treasure maintains its value. The pearls are kept in the owner's cupboard; they hide their brightness. All the parables have brought great joy to those who found them. In the same way, the word of God becomes the source of great joy for those who welcome it. The word purifies their hearts, cleanses their soul, disinfect their actions, changes their behaviour that makes their life shine. The parables conclude that darkness has one single purpose, and that is concealment. Darkness itself has a time limit; otherwise, the treasure and pearls would never be found. For us, darkness associates with bad behaviour. They too have a time limit at the 'harvest time' or the day of reckoning.

The treasure and pearls would never lose their values; rather their value either remain the same; or even increases. Their value is great for those who truly know them; and has less value for those who fail to see it. This explains that those who know their true value have enough time for selling their own things and purchasing them. The word of God has utmost value for those who truly love Jesus and has no value for those who anti his way of life.

Covering takes the role of protection. Soil covers the seeds from being eaten by birds and wild animals. In case of a wild animal accidentally stepping on the pearls, the cover would protect them from being damaged or broken. The word of God protects those who love Jesus.

The parables affirm that the treasure and the pearls are not found by accident, but rather by actively searching for it. And when found; it requires sacrifice to have it. Trading for the treasure is a must. There are actions to make, namely: searching, finding, hiding, selling and purchasing. These actions tell us that sacrifices always lead to something better, greater and more valuable than the sacrifices themselves. It is the actions to make choices, discern, and discard what is more in quantity, but less in value for something less in quantity, but greater quality. Indeed, there is only one: the Treasure. Jesus is the treasure. It is himself and his word. His treasure is hidden for those who are inactive to his word, but is the treasure for those who love him, and actively follow his way.

Following him, one needs to give up one's own way of life to adopt his way of life. His way of life is summed up in one single command: Love God and love our neighbours. When we welcome his word into our hearts. The word is either active or inactive; but never dies.

The parable invites us to make choices: collect the good fish and discard the useless ones. If we do it now, there will be less painful; but if we refuse to do it now; at the end time, God's angels will separate the wicked from the just and the pain would be beyond imagination.

We pray to have the courage to make sacrifices for Jesus.