5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C - 6/2/2022 - Gospel: Lk 5: 1-11
Catch - Not Caught
After Jesus had finished talking, He told Peter to cast out his net. 'Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch' 5:4. Peter confessed that he had worked hard all night and caught nothing, 'but if you say so I will pay out the nets' 5: 6. Following Jesus' instruction, Peter had the huge catch. It was probably the biggest catch that he had never had in his entire profession. Whenever people hear broadcasting about news of miracles that had happened elsewhere, people from near and far would come to that place, praying for healing of their own or for the healing of their loved ones. Peter, the fisherman, had no such desire. He had a different outlook. Listening to Jesus, he loved and respect the man, but didn't realize that Jesus was the Holy One of God. After the huge catch, Peter felt at Jesus' knees saying, 'Leave me, Lord: I am a sinful man'. Lk 5,9. Peter felt nervous, unworthy, and overwhelmed with fear to stand by the Holy One. Learning from Peter, at the consecration of bread and wine, we kneel to show our utmost respect for the Eucharist.

'Put the nets in deep water and have a huge catch'.
The words: 'deep water and catch' need to pay due attention. They probably have different meanings. Small fish stay and have their prey in shallow water. Small fish stay away from deep water for survival, to avoid being the victim of big fish. Deep water is home to of big fish. A single big fish has more value and is worth much more than many little ones. Deep water is also an unknown territory. It is a place which is worth to exploring because of the unknown factor. Going into deep water requires experience and trust- trust of your own ability to handle a danger situation. In this case, Peter had faith in Jesus; he believed Jesus would not ask him to go to a place that could cause him harm. He was rewarded, a huge catch, for his faith and trust in Jesus. In spirituality, 'deep water' means the unknown corners of our soul that needs the light of Christ.

The word 'catch' is an interesting one; there is a play on word in this context. First, Peter's nets had 'catch' - a huge number of fish. This amazement 'catch' changed Peter's profession for life. Peter's 'catch' was the fish; Jesus' 'catch' was Peter. Jesus' 'catch' was Peter's heart when Jesus said to Peter, 'From now on it is men you will catch 5:11. In this context, the word 'catch' again changes its meaning. Peter's new 'catch' was the countless anonymous souls in his 'new profession', his mission. There is another significant point that needs to draw attention to, because the word 'catch' applied personally to Peter. It happened at the beginning of his mission and also at the ending of his earthly life. Before returning to the Father, Jesus told Peter '.... when you grow old you will stretch out your hands, and somebody else will put a belt round you and take you where you would rather not go. In these words He indicated the kind of death by which Peter would give glory to God'. Jn 21,18b-19

Being God's 'catch' means to have life. Being man's 'catch' means death. In the case of Peter, being man's 'catch' allowed God's glory shine to mankind.

There is a huge different between 'catching fish' and 'catching men'. A 'catch' of fish is alive, and then fish will be killed for food. A 'catch' of men is spiritual dead, but Jesus gives them life and everlasting life. When believers are man's 'catch' because of the followers of Jesus; it means to give glory to God.