The Feast of the Holy Family Year B - 31/12/2023 - Gospel: Lk 2: 22-40
Gather Your People
Mary and Joseph present Jesus to the Temple to fulfil the requirement of the Mosaic Law, that a firstborn male must be consecrated to God (Ex 13:1). The ceremony involves a sacrificial offering. For those who can, a lamb offering was a requirement. For those who struggled financially, a turtledove offering is sufficient. Mary and Joseph offered a turtledove. Jesus was born under the Jewish Law, and his parents strictly observed it.

The text says both the prophets Simeon and prophetess Anna were prompted by the Spirit coming to the Temple. The prompting brought them to meet the baby Jesus. Whether at home or the Temple, they had never stopped praising God. Both were experts in listening to the voice of the Spirit. Simeon was praising God day and night; while Anna was fasting and praying. They trained their ears to reduce the voices of the world; and their own voices. They focused upon one single voice- the voice of the Spirit. Continuous praying, fasting and praising God help them to know the difference. Both followed voices that led them to move from where they were to the Temple. The whole Temple was filled with great delight. They felt the heavenly peace fill their minds and hearts. Their everlasting great feelings confirmed the presence of God.

Tradition says that Simeon's sight was poor. He recognized the baby Jesus as his Saviour not by his physical eyes, but by faith. The Spirit led them to the Temple; it would be the same Spirit that helped them to recognize the baby Jesus as their Saviour. Both the prophets had no trouble spending time in the Temple praising God day after day. The Temple was a holy place where they felt at home with God, and lived in hope. Day after day, they gave thanks to God and praised God's Holy Name. For them, praising God is their joy; they would never get tired of doing it. They praised the greatness of God; His power to save, and His boundless love for all creation. It is very often, that irregular church attendants pose their questions about the timing of Church services. They cite other commitments to attend, and how they do not want to be late for those commitments. We need to think hard about the question of who gives time to whom. Timing at the Church service reveals something about our faith.

Simeon held the baby Jesus in his hands prophesising about himself, mankind and Mary's future.

About himself, he praised God for the fulfilment of his hope, seeing the Messiah before dying, 'You can dismiss your servant in peace... my eyes have seen your salvation' Lk 2,30.

About the difference between the children of God, and children of the world, Simeon prophesised about the 'rising and falling of many in Israel' Lk 2, 34.

About Mary, Simeon prophesised about the unity between Mother and Son, 'A sword will pierce your soul' Lk 2,35. On the cross, Jesus was pierced on his side; while Mary felt it in her heart.

Simeon's background was not mentioned. We know something about Anna, namely: her parents, and tribe, her family and that she was a long-time widow. She is now in her mid-eighties. Fasting, praying and serving in the Temple day and night were her way of life. She praised the baby Jesus and talked specifically about the salvation Jesus will bring for all who long to have it. Her prophesy seems to resonate with Simeon about 'the rising' of many in Jerusalem.

Jesus is presented in the Temple, a place He later claimed as 'My Father House' Jn 2,14.

At the Temple, Jesus gathered God's people. Simeon and Anna represented all the faithful servants. Both prophesied about God's saving power, glory and sovereignty.

We pray to be faithful to the voice of the Spirit.