Most Holy Trinity Sunday Year C - 12/6/2022 - Gospel: Jn 16:12-15
Remain in My Love
Things of this world such as the moon and the stars, animals and trees, each kind is unique and has its own life. Yet their lives are relational. We know how some things work and more are yet to discover, the moon causes high and low tides; wind creates ocean waves. Carnivorous creatures prey on each other for food; while waste from grass- eaters helps revegetation. These reciprocal relationships are not a proof of God, but these are the traits of the Creator, Whose very life is vividly portrayed in His creation. This interconnectedness is the heart of the unity of the Holy Trinity.

The first hint of the Trinity is found in the Creation story when God said: 'Let us make man in our image, in the likeness of ourselves' Gen 1,26. The plural pronounce 'our and ourselves' talk about the single 'image and likeness', and gives birth to the theory of 'The One and many'. The picture of 'The One and many' becomes obvious when the voice of the Father, and the Spirit appeared at Jesus' baptism (Mt 3,13). The baptism of Jesus affirms the unity of the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. All are eternal and equal in all things. The eternal bond of the Trinity affirms that God is never alone. The God Who creates the cosmos, not because of God's loneliness or necessity, but out of God's freewill and His great love for the universe. We are parts of God's creation, we are innately have some traits of the Trinity, such as God's image and likeness, and freewill and social connection. Although moods- like excitement and sadness- change us to be a different person, but our nature remains, unchanged.

Because we come from God; we thirst to know about our origin. We yearn to find out where we first come from, and what happens after we have completed our earthly journey? We live right now, but we want to probe our past, and are interested in our future. The search for an answer of the past and future often ends up with more questions, and with unsatisfactory answers. Refusal to accept the limitations of a human mind often leads to the denial of the existence of God. This limitation is worsen when it is combined with the power of darkness. On day one of Creation, 'God divided light from darkness' Gen 1,4. Like an atom in the universe, we can't stand alone. We either depend on God or depend on the material world for survival. Sin happens when we prefer darkness over the Light. Choosing darkness means disconnecting our life from the Light, and that confuses our mind and heart: a disjunction between grace and disgrace. Our loving God would not have given up. By not letting the power of sin to dominate God's creation, Jesus, the second Person of God takes the role of the Redeemer. The first few lines of John's Gospel states that, 'The Word was made flesh, He lived amongst us' Jn 1,14. It continues, 'The Word was the true light that enlightens all men and he was coming into the world' Jn 1,8-9. Jesus came to the world to show God's light to the world, and rescued sinners from damnation. The service of the light at Easter Vigil reminds us of the sun, which has light and warmth, The Paschal Candle symbolises the risen Christ, who is the Light for the world. The candle, light and its warmth all points to the quality of the risen Christ, Who comes not to condemn, but shows light and warmth, welcoming those who repent. When His mission was completed, Jesus returned to the Father, and then comes the new era, the era of the Spirit, the Third person of God. The sending of the Spirit reveals that God would never leave His creation unattended.

As no fish could ever explore the vastness of an ocean; no star can lighten the whole sky; no mind can grasp the boundless of the universe; no pot can read the mind of its maker. We know about the Trinity because Jesus told us. Apart from His teaching, there is no other reliable source for us to work on. Those who humble themselves to accept Jesus' teaching, and to worship the Trinity will never be lost but have eternal life.