2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A - 19/1/2020 - Gospel: Jn 1: 29-34
Here I am, Lord
Seeing Jesus approaching him, John said to his disciples 'Look, there is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.....'v.29. Today we come to understand the term 'the Lamb of God' referred to Jesus, who volunteered to carry the cross, and being crucified, died, and rose again to save us from our sins. Jesus in his public ministry reminded the apostles about his own baptism. We today understand Jesus talked about his cross, and death, and resurrection. The apostles came to understand what Jesus meant about his baptism, not before, but after he rose; leaving behind the now empty tomb. It is the 'Cup of Salvation' Jesus once asked if the sons of Zebedee could drink if it, when their mother asked Jesus to allow one of her sons to sit on his right hand side, and the other on his left. Mat 20:20-23

The term 'the Lamb of God' becomes the heavenly gift of our Eucharistic celebration. Just before Holy Communion, a priest holds the bread above the cup proclaiming 'Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sin of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb'. We respond that we are unworthy to receive 'the Lamb of God', and yet God has chosen to come to us. When we come to the table of the Lord, we are recalling the heavenly gift sacrificed to give us eternal life. It is the ultimate sacrifice, proving the unconditional love Jesus has given to us. We now join John the Baptist to proclaim with the conviction, that we will make our baptism real to others. Our baptism is God's free gift to us. It is the first sacrament we receive enabling us to become members of God's Church on earth. Through baptism a non-member becomes a Church member. Baptism has the power to free us from the power of sin; more importantly, it has the power to adopt us as daughters, and sons of God's family, both on earth, and hopefully in heaven. It is possible, through the power of the Holy Spirit given to us at our baptism. Every time we make the sign of the cross, we bless ourselves with the blessing of the baptism formula. In doing that we renew our baptism; it empowers us to love God and our neighbours. We join with other members as one voice to praise and give thanks to God. By doing something for our local parish community we become true witnesses for Jesus. The table fellowship will not stop at the Church building, but it must be at work in the market place. Our baptism promises remain a promise only, until it is shared with others, and passed on to the next generation. Make your home to be a domestic Church. God's Spirit will come to dwell in us. The Spirit will transform our lives to be more like Jesus. God is no more up in the sky, but God is close by, and journeys with us at all time. When we share the gift of baptism we say to God 'Here am I Lord, I come to do your will'. 1 Sam. 3,4
