18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C - 4/8/2019 - Gospel: Lc 12: 13-21
True Happiness
We all want happiness, and we try hard to get happiness, and it is a right thing to do. Pubs and clubs often advertise happy hours after the end of a working day. Well, there is much more in life for us to enjoy. Happiness comes from both simple and great things. It comes from what we expect, and what we don't expect. It comes from what we do and what we don't do. It comes from outside and from nature. Last week I was in a hospital and was in pain, a nurse gave me a tablet of pain killer and I was happy.  The doctor who operated me, saw the wound next day, and he was happy with the results of his hard labour. It happened exactly as he expected it would be. He was happy. He asked would I share his view. Well, I did nothing, the doctor did all the work, and he was happy; me too- Happy. Happiness in this case comes from doing nothing but sharing the greatness of others. A few years ago when the Olympic games was on, every time an Australian athlete won a gold medal, the whole nation was happy to share his/her achievement. Happiness grows when it is shared. It is obvious that happiness comes from this world, and things of this world have a time limit, and happiness they offer also have a time limit. We all know that and that explains why we want more and more.

The first reading taken from the book of Ecclesiastes says that what a person owns is not permanent. This person owns it for sometimes and when the time comes, someone else will own it. St Paul in the second reading to the Colossians tells us that, it is better to look for something more permanent. Things that last forever come not from the wealth of this world, but it comes from above- look for the things that are in heaven- Col 3,2. The one single condition needed for being able to own things that last forever is to renounce evil desires. Paul used the battle's language to tell us, and that there is no compromise in this. If we don't kill evil desires in us; it will truly kill our lasting happiness, the true and everlasting happiness.

There was a man, who asked Jesus to intervene into his domestic problem with his brother, 'Master, tell my brother to give me a share of our inheritance' Lk12,13. Jesus told him that '.... a man's life is not made secure by what he owns, even when he has more than he needs' Lk 12,4.

Our life is made secured by true happiness. Everlasting life offers true happiness, which we are not of this world. The farmer looked for his true happiness on his possession, building more barns to store his crop. Jesus asked the question: 'Fool! This very night the demand will be made for your soul, and this hoard of yours whose will it be then?' v.21. Wealth of this world won't offer everlasting life security.

We pray for the wisdom to find times for both happiness of the present life and also for the life to come.
