4th Sunday of Advent Year B - 24/12/2017 - Gospel: Lk 1:26-38
Your will or mine
Most people would prefer to do their own will rather than to do the will of someone else. Doing the will of others means to journey into the unknown territory with greater  risks involved and lack of control. Doing your own will also involve risks but one has some control of the matter when it goes wrong. They can make a choice whether they would like to take risk and pursue further or to withdraw to a safe territory.

The saying 'yes' to the messenger of God at the Annunciation to Mary was the story of a human taking a risk involved in the life of a woman. Both she and later on her Son, Jesus, would submit themselves to do God's will rather than to pursue of their own. Mary after clarification with God's messenger, without fully understand what would be involved and unfold throughout her life, she boldly replied to the messenger

Let it happen to me as you have said. Lk 1,38

Jesus, her Son, was doing even more. He had never questioned God's will for him or seek clarification what would be involved in doing God's will. During his public ministry on earth there were numerous times he publicly confirmed that

I have come from heaven, not to do  my own will, but to do the will of him who sent me. Jn 6,38

We know that on the cross he cried out in agony

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me. Mt 27,46

This is not understood as a sign of refusal to accept God's will but it is a confirmation that God exists. When a person has experienced extreme pain and agony the anguish feelings take control over the feeling of God is near.
God's will is carried out by human hands and human hands are often lack of mercy and compassion and that makes life misery for many.

To be born into this world is a blessing in a sense that we have the opportunity, first to do the will of God and second to enjoy the goodness of the earth. To do God's will by sharing God's love for others through acts of charity, to praise God and with others to give thanks to God. To do God's will we are not doing it alone but with God's grace and love and guidance and when we fail God comes to our rescue; to follow one's own will we do it alone and when it fails no one come to our assistance. We can withdraw to a safe territory but whether we have the courage to do it is entirely another matter. 

To serve the parish is to do the will of God. We are grateful for your contribution to enrich the life of the parish in numerous of ways. Somethings are known and others hidden from our eyes but God knows it all and it is God who awards you in his own way and time. Christmas is approaching fast and we the Parish Office Staff wish you a holy Christmas, that all parishioners will be filled with abundant God's blessings and grace and a peaceful heart throughout the year 2018.
