5th Sunday of Easter Year C - 24/4/2016 - Gospel: Ln 13:31-33a. 34-35
We enjoy a magnificent morning when we see the sunlights shine on flowers. We enjoy seeing the awesome sunlight shining through a forest. We are at awe when we see a mastery of colours brighten on the sky. We are delighted to catch a photo of lightning. These art works of creation often don't last long. Everyone is marvelled and enjoyed the beauty of nature but not all give thanks for the great art works God has created and continues to maintain them. The natural world takes its course so well that people believe that the natural world has no owner. The beauty of nature opens our eyes to see that things of this world come and go in no time. Those who have faith in nature only live at the moments. Our faith in Christ urges us to move one step further. Through nature we see the hand of God in all things. We believe that God creates the world for our enjoyment. Nature has never stopped to show God's glory and we should learn from it to do the same, to give glory to God with our lives.

In a very simple term to give glory to God means we give thanks to God and we publicly confess that God is the Creator of the universe Who alone deserves our worship and praise. We give glory to God when we acknowledge God's goodness and greatness and who has made us stewards of God's creation. God's creation provides not just food for our body but its beauty enlightens our heart and they become the never ending source of inspiration to our minds.

God is the author of all glory and God doesn't need our praise. Our praise to God is a gift itself because it helps us to recognize God's goodness. Praise is an act of thanks. We confess that God alone deserves all the praise and worship and no one deserves such glory. Praising God helps us to share the splendour and beauty of His goodness and holiness.

Glorifying God begins with the belief that all goodness comes from God. Out of mercy and love God has called us into being and allowed us to share God's glory. We give glory to God by listening to God's voice. We give glory to God by recognizing that God is the Beginning and the End. We give glory to God by recognizing the saving power of God. Like a burning fire that removes rustiness from steel; God's glory has the power to erase our sin, renews and enriches our life in God's goodness and mercy. The more we give glory to God, the more we are united with God in glory. God is most glorified in us when our lives are transformed into his own likeness. The burning fire smelt and reshaped steels; through the cross Jesus gives glory to the Father; through listening to Jesus our lives are being transformed. Jesus' resurrection is the first fruit of a new creation. Through the water of Baptism we are made new in Christ and that at the end of our earthly pilgrimage our physical body is transformed into His glorified body. His resurrection destroys the power of death and those who are washed into his Blood will live forever, death has no power over them.
