14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B - 8/7/2012 - Gospel: Mk: 6,1-6
Our understanding of the world is very limited when we consider the vastness of the universe.  However, each one of us needs some knowledge and insight for survival.  It takes a whole lifetime to learn the art of living and yet no one ever achieves perfection.  It is impossible to perfect wisdom of this world.  Nevertheless humble people will learn from their mistakes and improve their lives.  However arrogance leads to ignorance because of the lack of desire for learning.

Searching for the truth requires wisdom and wisdom reveals itself to people who are humble of heart.  Humble people know that everything we know and everything we have comes from God.  We cannot think ourselves wise, but only be humble.

When we begin to recognize that God is the centre of our lives then there is the beginning of wisdom.  Having faith in Jesus will help us to gain more wisdom….
        - about God
        - about ourselves
        - about the universe
by reading and listening to God's word and learning from God.

The countrymen of Jesus did not recognize that Jesus received his wisdom from God and they refused to believe in Jesus.

"He could work no miracle there...He was amazed at their lack of faith."
