Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B - 29/1/2012 - Gospel: Mk 1, 21-28
Misuse of power
It is very easy for us to misuse one's power. We are both victims, from time to time to enjoy to play the power game. It happens when one uses it inappropriately or uses it in excessively. Misuse of power can happen in different ways. Domestic violence is the obvious sign of misuse of power. It is disguised in the form of refusing to listen, negotiate or responding to a request to talk. Misused of power appears when a family member feels home is a refuge rather than a place to rest, to relax and to meet a family members. When people rely on artificial drugs to ease the burden of life is another form of misuse of power. In society misuse of power is evident when the gap between the rich and the poor are widened, justice is not for all and human life is violated.

Evil spirits are masters of misuse of power. They have no authority to reveal about the identity of Jesus and yet they did. In the temple evil spirits manipulated the situation when they interrupted Jesus who was talking about God's love and the Father. The worse form of misuse of power happens when evil spirits possess a person, make home in a person. Jesus didn't approve of their actions. He prohibited them from talking about God and gave the command forcing them to free the person they possessed.

The right to talk about God is given for those who talk about God with love and utmost respect. That person can be anyone it does not need to be a Catholic or a believer to talk about God. Whoever loves God can talk about God. Whoever does not love God have no right to talk about God, including about the goodness of God. The communication about God is preserved for children of God and those who love God. They communicate to God with love and God made home in them, give them the insight to understand God's love.

Evil spirits have no love for God and they have no rights to talk about God. Those who do not love God have no right to talk about God because they don't know what they are talking about. Their knowledge about God is incorrect, since they refuse the love of God. The right to talk about God is self- given and they don't realize that they misuse the power of communication.

When Jesus began his public ministry people listened to Him with joy and love. They told one another that He taught with authority. They came to understand the mystery of life in a new way, relevant to their life.  Listening to Jesus they understand that God is not far away but God loves them and dwell in their hearts.
